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5 Keys to a Quick and Healthy Mommy Makeover Recovery


Are you looking to get an amazing body and beauty transformation after having children? If so, then a mommy makeover is the right route for you.

Getting a mommy makeover can lead to many benefits to your lifelong-lasting results and more. You’ll not only have the figure you’ve always wanted but your self-confidence and sense of self-worth will also rise as a result. Along with surgery, there are things you’ll need to do physically and mentally to have the best possible mommy makeover recovery.


Not sure what these tips are? Keep reading below.

1. Seek Professional Medical Services

Seeking out professional medical services is one way to ensure a quick and healthy mommy makeover recovery. Professional medical care can help prevent infections, speed up the healing process and ensure successful cosmetic procedures outcome. 

Professional services like the Mommy Makeover at North Shore Cosmetic Surgery provide new mothers with the chance to restore their bodies to pre-baby shape. They also provide quick and healthy recovery, starting with key components of both physical and mental health. 

2. Start Eating Healthy and Exercising Regularly

When it comes to eating healthfully to ensure optimal health and recuperation, consume foods high in vitamins and minerals, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. When it comes to exercising, institute healthy lifestyle habits, and cope with any changes that may have occurred during the procedure. Aim to include both cardio and strength training two to three days a week for best results. 

Staying hydrated is also essential. Aim to drink eight glasses of water a day or more if physically possible. 

3. Get Adequate Sleep and Rest

It’s well-known that a lack of sleep can lead to a host of health problems. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body doesn’t have the time it needs to heal properly. This means that you could end up with complications like infection or poor wound healing.

Experts recommend getting at least 7-8 hours per night. But if you can swing it, aim for 9-10 hours in the first few nights after your plastic surgery cosmetic surgery. Getting 7-8 more hours of sleep will help empower the body to heal faster and more efficiently. 

4. Invest in Recovery Products and Supplements

Recovery products should include natural, safe remedies such as vitamin and mineral supplements that can assist the body in healing after surgery. Topical lotions and serums that can nourish the skin and lessen inflammation are another type of recovery treatment that may be used.

Supplements that are rich in omega-3s, amino acids, and antioxidants are good options for providing maximum benefit to the body during the recovery process. 

5. Pamper Yourself With Self-Care Maintenance

Take some time for yourself every day. Treat yourself to a massage, mani/pedi, or other relaxation treatments during your recovery period. 

Find a way to unwind and recharge, whether it be by reading a book, having a bath, or sitting outside in the sunshine. Taking good care of your body and mind will hasten your recovery.

Do These Mommy Makeover Recovery Tips to Heal Faster

In conclusion, staying proactive and taking responsibility are essential if you want to have a successful mommy makeover recovery. Follow the keys discussed in this article and remember that you’ll heal at your own pace.

Trust the work of your doctor through this entire process and you’ll see the positive results. Get started on the journey to achieving the body that you deserve today!

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The post 5 Keys to a Quick and Healthy Mommy Makeover Recovery appeared first on A Nation of Moms.

Becoming the Mother I Wanted to Be: Strategic Parenting 28-Day No-Yelling Challenge Review


There is no point in arguing that parenting is hard. It has its moments of bliss but stressful moments too have their fair share. A parent’s job is not just to put food on the table, but also to maintain a harmonious environment in the house which is essential for the healthy development of children. However, it is also a fact that growing children are difficult to handle and often parents are pushed to the limits to contain the situation. But, being humans, sometimes parents lose their cool. The results are disastrous for the kids’ mental health and their relations with parents. 

Being a single mother of two growing kids, I come across such challenging dilemmas more often than I can handle. And all I could do was yell. Anxious, stressed-out, vary of shouldering everything alone, there was little more I could do. Having always strived to be a perfect mother for my kids, I realized that this is not the way. I was convinced that there must be an alternative to this. And I was on the lookout. Luckily, I stumbled upon this No-Yelling System and my relationship with my kids has never been better.

Why did I join this Challenge?

Like I said, I was on the lookout for a change for a long time and I found numerous catchy options but nothing could get my attention. They were all beating around the bush but not getting to the point. Their approaches were quite ordinary with no logical backing. Moreover, their ways of administering were not better than the countless long lectures I have already given to my kids, to their annoyance. 

However, the 28-Day No-Yelling Challenge was something new to me. It struck at the pulse point, which was yelling. Having dealt with post-yelling guilts, I realized that this was the primary issue. So, I was hooked. Additionally, it was not another long lecture. Not only for kids, such long lectures were tedious for me too. A step-by-step approach with a system for tracking progress was all I needed. 

I wanted to know what I was doing wrong, and the system gave me away. Testimonials from countless other parents, in similar situation, was an additional benefit to make up my mind.

To implement it, no additional arrangement was needed. I received the daily instruction emails in the morning, while I was still in my bed, and I came out of my room with a resolution to implement them throughout the day. It was sort of a game, a challenge, which kept me intrigued. 

The results were simply astonishing. By the 7th day, I had started sensing a positive vibe around the house. By the end of the program, I was nearer to the ideal mother I wanted to be than I ever was.

My Overall Experience

I am providing a glimpse into my transformative experience. Like all good things, it came with following the instructions to the letter. 

Day 1: Speak Quietly 

The first instruction was to stop yelling altogether. As the kids were accustomed to me yelling in the morning for breakfast, school bags, teeth brushing, and all the other things in the world, it was quite a shock for them. 

The instructions told me to speak everything as quietly as possible, they called it Quiet Speech. Initially, the kids were curious. Later, they started responding. Gradually their yelling subsided, even among themselves. 

Day 2: Shoulder Tap

Speaking quietly is not always practical when you factor in the distance and the kids being busy with some other activity. So, the 2nd day instruction was to walk up to them and gently tap on their shoulder. This personalized approach with physical proximity worked wonders and strengthened the resolve to no yelling.

I always blushed when my youngest always hugged me when he found me so close. I have found the bonds thus created to be my true strength.

Day 3: Complete ban on Yelling

The 3rd challenge stipulated a blank ban on yelling. It categorized yelling into bad, good, and unconscious. Good yelling was exceptional to me, we had subsided the bad yelling, but unconscious yelling was present. 

It always happened in the morning when I yelled from the kitchen for breakfast and often a yelling contest would ensue in the hurried and tense mood of the morning. This yelling always created a bad impression for the whole day on the moods of everyone. 

On the 3rd day, as per the instructions, I started to go to the kid’s room to call for breakfast instead of yelling from the kitchen. This small exercise did wonders as we all left the home in good spirits.

Day 4: The 3-Step Education to Make them Follow your Command

This lesson involved 3 steps. The first one was to give clear instructions. The second is to explain the consequences in case of failure to meet those instructions (no threats). And the third was to take action on the consequences.

In my case, I was worried because of the kid’s habit of putting their dirty clothes everywhere and not in the laundry. I used to march all over the house to find their clothes. I applied the 3-step approach to this issue. 

1st: I gave them clear instructions that they have to put their dirty clothes in the pink bin beside the washing machine.

2nd: I warned them in case they failed to do so, I wouldn’t wash their clothes and they would have to wear dirty ones to school.

3rd: When they didn’t do so, I didn’t repeat myself. The next day, they had to go to school in dirty, wrinkled clothes.

The result was that I never had to repeat myself.

Day 5: Involve your Kids in Decision-Making 

I used to waste a lot of time deciding about dinner. The kids never agreed on anything, refused to eat and tensions were frequent. By applying this approach, I started involving them in the cooking decisions. I would ask them whether they want home-cooked or pizza. In case of additional costs for their choice, they will have to pay from their pocket money. 

Both choices were good for me and the kids learned valuable lessons along the way

Day 6: Yes, But How?

The 6th lesson taught me to never say NO all the time. The kids get rebellious and bored in this way. I had witnessed this multiple times. My daughter will come up to me and demand all sorts of crazy ideas. 

One time she asked for a limousine to go to her friend’s birthday party. So, instead of saying no, I said yes, but how should we pay for the car since we had to renovate the kitchen? By getting her to think and not imposing my decision on her, the result was what I wanted in the first place.

Day 7: Sweeten the Deal

Sundays were cleaning days. And I struggled to get the help of my kids. I always yelled and yelled but to no avail.  After getting this lesson, I tried to sweeten the deal.

So, on the coming Sunday, I asked them to help me clean the house and in the evening we can bake their favorite cookies together. The cookies were not too good, but the day was well spent and a valuable lesson was learned.

Day 8: 48-Hour Rule

Kids make all kinds of preposterous demands. We can not fulfill all of them but we can try for some. The lesson was about to implement a 48-hour delay and if the kid want something by the end of it, get it for them. It explained that for more pricy things, you can combine “yes, but why” and other rules taught before.

This helped me a lot during shopping where my kids tried to buy everything they liked. However, I found their interest in most of the things was fleeting. I got them to behave without any meltdown by this simple rule.

Day 9: Smart Negotiations

The 9th-day challenge was to negotiate smartly with your kids. Some things like doing your homework were non-negotiable. But for things like getting a new game, make them earn it. Set a task for them with their consent, and get them what they want only when they offer something in return. This will teach them the value of things.

However, there must be a distinction between negotiable and non-negotiable things.

Day 10: Make an Emergency List

The lesson asked me to make an emergency list and categorize the items under Emergency, Non-negotiable, Negotiable, and Typical Child Behavior. 

The emergency section involves life-and-death situations and even yelling is allowed to save them. For non-negotiable things, use the 3-step education process. For negotiables, the “yes, but why” rule is a go. For the last section, be as lenient as possible. 

The list will be different for every house but it helped me a lot in setting some ground rules for my kids.

Day 11: Empathize with Your Kids

Kids can’t handle emotions like adults can. In such meltdown situations, it is not advisable to reason with them. Instead, the lesson asked to first listen to them, empathize with them, and then turn the situation around once they feel they have shared. 

I used this technique to get my daughter out of body shaming by some of her classmates. Later, we also found the opportunity to practice this with a neighbor kid and my kids found a wonderful friend.

Day 12: Partner Signals

The lesson included a wonderful approach to partner signals and how they can work together to not let adult tension create havoc in their kid’s life. Being a single mother, I had no such opportunity. However, during long weekends at my mother’s house, I practiced this rule and got some good results.

Day 13: The Do-Over

This instruction struck my weak end. During the first week, I yelled despite my best intentions. The rule taught me to diffuse the situation amicably and not let blow it over to a full yelling contest after the initial yell. The next time I yelled, I apologized for yelling and went on like before. Later, I saw some healthy influence of my apology on my kids.

Day 14: Set a Magic Word

Arguments between parents and growing kids are frequent. My daughter, who is in her teens, used to argue fiercely with me and I responded similarly because I didn’t know any better. 

After learning this rule, we set up a magic word. During our next argument, when things started getting out of hand, I used the magic word and stopped the conversation. After a day or two, I started the conversation again and came to an amicable end. This was possible because the heating emotions had simmered down and we both had a chance to revisit our positions objectively.

Day 15: Reconnection Protocol

Interestingly, the challenge takes the human factor into account that parents may resort to former tools in the heat of emotions. After all, it is not possible to change oneself completely in just a few days. The reconnection protocol works after a tense episode between you are your kids. 

It says that instead of becoming cold and angry, use this mistake to make your family come together. Things like keeping communications open, expressing your emotions, and encouraging them to open up about their feelings about the episode will help build a strong bond between parents and children. 

I experienced that with my youngest. After applying the instructions, he opened up to me and we were able to diffuse tensions without much harm.

Day 16: Tagging System

The 16th-day instruction speaks of creating a tagging system with your children. Create tags like urgent, help, and important. These are for occasions when you don’t have time to explain or argue with them. 

I once used the “important” tag with my kids to stay at home while I had to run back to the office. Thankfully, they cooperated fully once they understood the whole situation.

Day 17: Expiration Date

People panic when they lose control. In such uncontrollable situations, giving an expiration date to them works wonders in diffusing the sense of uncertainty. 

One time, my kids were being more chaotic than usual along with their friends during a sleepover. I gave myself this expiration date that this will only last for an hour tops. With that, I was able to maintain the no-yelling system. 

Day 18: Buffer Time

Before learning this instruction, we were always late for school. Thankfully, I learned this rule and marked a buffer time of 20 minutes as we were daily 20 minutes late. Then, I adjusted the whole schedule accordingly.
In a few days, we were all on time and I did not listen to the teacher’s complaints any longer.

Day 19: Redirection

The 19th-day rule is about redirecting your kid’s attention toward something else in difficult situations. My youngest can be very stubborn. So, this tool came in handy, especially during shopping. 

Day 20: Use your kids Alter Ego

Kids develop their alter egos based on their favorite characters, cartoons, or anyone else. They try to associate themselves with them. In difficult situations, ask them what would your favorite celeb do in such a time. I used this with my boy and asked whether Spiderman wouldn’t help his mom. Within a second, he was up there helping me clean.

Day 21: Quiet Sofa

This technique is about creating a quiet corner in your house where nobody is allowed to be disturbed for a specified time. By doing this, you can recuperate your energies as a parent. The same goes for the kids, when they are in the quiet space leave them alone.

Day 22: Emotion Verbalization

This rule can come in very handy for any parent as it did for me. Instead of yelling or throwing things to express your anger, verbalize it. Convey it to your kids in a calm way that you are angry at the moment because of this. You can also use the quiet space at the time. Over time, the kids will start respecting your feelings and the yelling will subside.

Day 23: Freewriting

There were times when I couldn’t get something out of my system, no matter how hard I tried. Once or twice, my kids were the reason, and other times they had to bear the brunt. Both cases were harmful. Then, I learned and started freewriting. I would go to the quiet space and start writing whatever would come to my mind. It took me no more than 30 minutes to calm myself down.

Day 24: Emergency Message

This 24th-day technique is quite similar to the earlier one. Here you write a message to your future self, advising her to be calm and use the principles you have learned before. Believe me, it works.

Day 25: Box Breathing

Day 25 came with a very handy tool, not just for dealing with kids but for handling any situation in your life. Whenever you find yourself in a tight spot, do this. 

  • Inhale slowly for 4 seconds
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds
  • Exhale slowly for 4 seconds
  • And hold empty lungs for 4 seconds
  • Rinse and repeat

After doing this, hopefully, you will be able to better control yourself.

Day 26: Zen Breath

In Zen Breath, you stop breathing from your mouth and start using your nose. Moreover, you use your throat instead of your nostrils. It doesn’t take much time nor does it require a lot of practice but it helps calm you down.

Day 27: Muscle Relaxation

This lesson taught me that when you are under mental stress, your muscles start tensing followed by negative thoughts. The result is more physical and mental discomfort. To diffuse it, you can use the Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique. In simple words, you inspect your whole body and tense and relax all the muscles one by one. Or you can just focus on the part you feel most uncomfortable about. I have used this technique once and found it to be helpful but I prefer the Zen Breath more.

Day 28: Patience Cues

Patience is a skill that can be developed. The instruction included some patience cues that work best. Among them calming your mind, focusing on your breath, releasing the tension, reminding yourself that parenting is not torture or a chore, reminding yourself of your strengths, and taking one thing at a time has helped me the most.

Final Thoughts

This whole experience was a life-changing transformation for me. Each challenge was like a building block that was helping me construct the mother I wanted to be. I have had setbacks during its course but with persistence and love, my relationship with my kids and the environment of my home is just like the one I dreamed of.  

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Motherhood Unplugged: Navigating Life’s Complexities with Grace and Grit


Embarking on the journey of motherhood is like navigating a river that flows through varying landscapes—sometimes meandering gently, other times rushing over rapids. It’s a voyage that encompasses the essence of life’s complexities: balancing the personal pursuit of goals with the unending demands of family life. This guide delves into the heart of motherhood, offering strategies to manage the intricate dance of daily responsibilities, nurturing self-growth, and ensuring that family life thrives. It’s an ode to the modern mother—her resilience, her ability to adapt, and her tireless dedication to weaving a tapestry of love and success.

Mastering the Juggle

The modern mother often wears many hats, each representing a vital part of her world: the professional, the student, and the parent. Balancing work, study, and family life is a feat that requires not just time management but also emotional intelligence and a deep understanding of one’s limits and capabilities. To navigate this balance, create a family calendar that includes work schedules, study sessions, and family activities. It’s not about segmenting your life but integrating these aspects into a cohesive plan. Establishing clear priorities and setting realistic goals daily can help manage expectations and reduce the pressure of trying to be everything for everyone. Flexibility is crucial. Online courses, flexible work hours, and a support network of family and friends can be game-changers. Moreover, involve your family in the process. Teaching children about time management and responsibility through their actions is a powerful life lesson.

Embracing Self-Care

Self-care is often the first to be sacrificed on the altar of motherhood. Yet, it’s the cornerstone of a nourished family life. Think of self-care as the oxygen mask on an airplane; you need to secure your own before helping others. It’s not selfish—it’s necessary. Self-care comes in many forms: a quiet morning coffee before the day begins, an exercise routine that clears the mind, or an evening class that fuels personal passions. Encourage a culture where every family member respects personal time—whether the kids understand mom’s ‘quiet hour’ or a partner taking over bedtime routines to allow for a restful soak in the tub. Remember, self-care isn’t always solitary. It can be as simple as laughing over a board game with your children or preparing a family meal together. It’s about finding joy in the day-to-day, thus enhancing the emotional well-being of the entire family.

The Educational Bond

Education is not confined to the walls of a classroom—it’s a part of life’s great journey. Integrating learning into family time isn’t just about helping with homework; it’s about creating an environment where curiosity is nurtured, and knowledge is celebrated. This integration can be seamless. It could be discussing a new topic at dinner each night, engaging in DIY projects on the weekends, or exploring educational apps together. Turn ordinary activities into learning experiences, like measuring ingredients while cooking to teach about weights and fractions or gardening to discuss the science of plant life. The goal is to intertwine learning with fun, making it a bonding experience rather than a chore. It sets the foundation for lifelong learning and shows your children that education is valuable.

The Digital Soapbox and Navigating Podcast Hosting for Moms

Podcast hosting has surged as a platform for voices seeking an audience, and for moms, it presents a unique opportunity to share experiences, insights, and camaraderie with a global community. Choosing the right hosting provider is crucial for mothers entering this space. Factors such as ease of use, distribution capabilities, analytics, and monetization options should all be considered. A good hosting platform will not only store your podcast but also provide tools to grow your audience, such as SEO optimization for episodes and integration with social media. The best podcast hosting services offer community-building features, allowing you to connect with fellow mom podcasters and listeners. In this digital age, a mother’s voice can transcend the walls of her home, providing support, encouragement, and inspiration to a community that transcends borders.

Cultivating a Mindful Home Atmosphere

In a world that’s often rushed and chaotic, cultivating a home atmosphere steeped in mindfulness and patience is both a gift and a challenge. As a mother, your demeanor sets the tone for the household. Embracing patience isn’t about never feeling frustrated but about managing reactions and emotions in a way that teaches your children to do the same. To foster this environment, practice active listening with your children, showing them their thoughts and feelings are valued. Engage in mindfulness activities, like deep-breathing exercises or family yoga, to encourage a sense of calm and presence.

Motherhood is an expedition filled with love, challenges, and unparalleled rewards. Balancing the roles of a professional, a student, and a parent requires a blend of organization, flexibility, and, most importantly, self-compassion. Each of these facets contributes to the mosaic of motherhood, creating a life that resonates with grace, grit, and an abundance of love.

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The Importance of Postpartum Care Services for New Mothers


Did you know that around one in seven women can develop postpartum depression? Postpartum depression can begin in the first week post-birth. It can last up to a year if untreated.

The physical and emotional changes that come with motherhood can be overwhelming. This makes it crucial for new mothers to receive proper post partum care. Proper care can help new mothers ease into their new role and cope with the challenges that come with it.

In this guide, we will explore the importance of post partum care services for new mothers. Keep reading to learn more!

Physical Recovery

Giving birth is a physically demanding experience, and the body needs time to heal. Post partum care services support new mothers in recovering from childbirth and prioritizing their self-care.

This can include providing proper nutrition and monitoring for post-birth complications. They can also offer support with breastfeeding.

These services can help speed up recovery by monitoring and treating any pregnancy-related issues. This can include pain, bleeding, or infections. This support can help new mothers feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies.

Emotional Support

The postnatal period can be a rollercoaster of emotions for new mothers. They may experience feelings of overwhelm, exhaustion, anxiety, or sadness. This is often referred to as the “baby blues.”

But for some women, these feelings can develop into post partum depression. This is a serious condition that requires professional support.

Post partum services can provide emotional support for mothers during this time. They can offer counseling, therapy, or access to support groups. This can help new mothers process their emotions and develop coping strategies.

It can also help them feel less isolated. It can help them be more connected with others who are going through similar experiences.

Bonding and Baby Care

The first few weeks after giving birth is a crucial time for new mothers to bond with their babies. Post partum care services can support this bonding process by offering guidance on baby care and development.

They can educate new mothers on breastfeeding, bathing, and other essential baby care tasks. They can also provide resources on how to understand and respond to a newborn’s needs.

This support can help mothers feel more confident in their ability to care for their babies. It can also allow them to focus on building a strong bond with their child.

Empowering New Mothers

The postnatal period can be a challenging and transformative time for new mothers. Post partum services are designed to empower mothers during this phase of their lives.

They offer a safe space for new mothers to share their experiences, concerns, and feelings. They also provide education and resources to help women make informed decisions about their health.

This empowerment can help new mothers feel more in control and confident in their role as mothers. It can also support them in navigating the challenges that come with this new phase of life.

To help you reap all these benefits, check out CitraNatal. They offer comprehensive post partum services to support new mothers.

The Role of Post Partum Care Services

The post partum period is a crucial time for both the physical and emotional well-being of new mothers. Proper post partum care services can provide support and guidance during this transformative phase of life.

Remember that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your new baby. Empower yourself with knowledge and support, and enjoy this precious phase of life with your new bundle of joy!

For more informative articles, check out more articles on our blog.

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7 Ways to Restore Your Body Confidence Post-Child Birth


Welcoming a new life into the world is a profound and transformative experience, but for many mothers, the journey doesn’t end with childbirth. Navigating the postpartum period often comes with challenges, particularly when it comes to restoring body confidence.

The physical changes that accompany pregnancy and childbirth can impact self-esteem, but it’s essential to recognize that embracing one’s body is a journey worth taking. In this guide, we will explore seven empowering ways to restore body confidence after childbirth, helping mothers reclaim a positive relationship with their bodies and celebrate the incredible journey of motherhood.

Crying baby in a mother's arms

1. Nurture Self-Compassion:

The journey of motherhood is an extraordinary feat, marked by the creation of life within your own body. Instead of fixating on perceived imperfections, practice self-compassion. Acknowledge the changes your body has undergone, recognizing the inherent strength it displayed in bringing a new life into the world.

Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you extend to your newborn. Embracing self-compassion fosters a positive self-image and helps you appreciate the remarkable journey your body has embarked upon. Remember, your body’s transformations are a testament to the incredible feat it has accomplished. Allow yourself the grace to embrace this transformative phase with love and acceptance.

2. Adopt a Healthy Mindset:

Shift your focus from conforming to societal expectations to cultivating a mindset centered on overall health and well-being. Establish realistic goals that prioritize both your physical and mental health. Recognize that a healthy body contributes not only to your well-being but also to a positive body image. This shift in mindset is fundamental to restoring confidence, as it emphasizes the importance of holistic health over external pressures. Remember, true beauty emanates from a healthy and balanced life. Embrace the journey towards well-being with patience, celebrating small victories and progress towards a healthier you.

3. Engage in Supportive Communities:

Connect with fellow mothers who have either experienced or are currently navigating similar postpartum challenges. Actively participating in supportive communities provides a platform for sharing experiences, tips, and insights. Knowing that you are not alone in your journey creates a sense of understanding and camaraderie, offering both comfort and empowerment. The shared wisdom of these communities can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of postpartum life. Remember, a united community of mothers is a powerful source of strength. Share your experiences, lend an empathetic ear, and draw inspiration from the collective resilience within these supportive circles.

4. Consider a Mommy Makeover:

Are you looking for a more comprehensive approach to postpartum body confidence? Why not consider a mommy makeover by Dr. Parakh? This personalized set of cosmetic procedures, which may include a tummy tuck, breast enhancement, and other body contouring techniques, can address specific concerns.

Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon provides valuable insights into whether a mommy makeover aligns with your personal goals, ensuring an informed and confident decision-making process regarding your postpartum body. Remember, exploring options for enhancement is a personal choice that should align with your comfort and desires. Consider a mommy makeover as a potential tool in your toolkit for self-care and body empowerment, tailored to meet your unique vision of confidence and well-being.

5. Prioritize Self-Care:

In the demands of caring for a newborn, carve out dedicated time for self-care. Whether it involves a few moments of meditation, a soothing bath, or a refreshing walk in the fresh air, these moments are essential for rejuvenating your body and mind. Prioritizing self-care not only contributes to a positive self-image but also enhances your overall well-being, enabling you to face the challenges of motherhood with resilience and grace. Remember, taking care of yourself is an investment in your ability to care for others. Cherish these self-care moments as essential nourishment for your body, mind, and spirit.

6. Stay Active:

Incorporate gentle exercises into your routine, taking into consideration your postpartum recovery. Physical activity not only aids in regaining strength but also triggers the release of endorphins, promoting a positive mood. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine appropriate exercises for your specific postpartum stage, ensuring a gradual and safe return to physical activity. Remember, staying active celebrates your body’s strength and resilience. Embrace the joy of movement, whether it’s a gentle stroll, postpartum yoga, or targeted exercises that align with your recovery journey.

7. Dress with Intention:

Select clothing that aligns with your evolving style and makes you feel comfortable and confident. Embrace the changes in your body with positivity and celebrate your favorite features. Choosing outfits intentionally can significantly impact your self-perception and contribute to a positive self-image. Dressing with intention allows you to express your identity and fosters a sense of empowerment. Remember, your wardrobe is a canvas for self-expression and self-celebration. Embrace your evolving style with confidence, choosing attire that enhances your sense of self and reflects the beautiful journey of motherhood.


Restoring body confidence post-childbirth is a journey that involves self-love, acceptance, and intentional self-care. By implementing these empowering strategies, you reclaim your sense of confidence and embrace the beauty of the evolving chapter of motherhood. Remember, your body tells a remarkable story, one of resilience, strength, and the incredible journey of bringing new life into the world.

The post 7 Ways to Restore Your Body Confidence Post-Child Birth appeared first on A Nation of Moms.

Helpful Tips and Hints for Pain-Free Baby Carrying


Carrying your baby is one of the most nurturing aspects of parenthood, offering an invaluable opportunity for bonding and closeness. However, it can also present physical challenges that lead to discomfort if not done properly. This guide offers practical tips to make carrying a baby a pain-free experience, ensuring that you can enjoy the closeness without any drawbacks. 

5 Helpful Tips and Hints for Pain-Free Baby Carrying

Welcome to your guide for a happier back and a snug baby. Dive into these 5 tips, crafted to ensure that both you and your little one enjoy the bonding experience of baby-carrying.

1. Listen to Your Body

It’s important to stay in tune with your body’s cues when carrying your little one. Consider any unusual aches as messages that shouldn’t be ignored. Persistent back pain, for instance, could possibly hint at the signs and symptoms of a herniated disc or other spinal issues. 

If discomfort arises, whether it’s sharp pain, tingling sensations, or general fatigue, heed these warnings by resting or adjusting. Remember that your well-being is key to providing the best care for your child. Don’t hesitate to seek medical advice if you suspect something isn’t right.

2. Regularly Change Positions

It’s vital to give your body a break if you’re constantly holding your baby in the same position. Consistent pressure on particular muscles and joints can lead to discomfort or even injury over time. By alternating how you carry your little one, you’re distributing the load more effectively. 

If we consider ergonomics, varying baby-carrying positions is so important. When possible, try introducing a new technique to keep you and your baby comfortable. It’s similar to adjusting your posture while sitting at a desk. These changes can have big impacts on overall comfort.

3. Find the Right Carrier

Selecting a suitable carrier is paramount to ensuring you experience pain-free carrying. An ideal carrier provides ample support, distributing your baby’s weight evenly across your body. Look for features like adjustable straps and waistbands for increased comfort and reduced strain.

Furthermore, different carriers suit different ages and stages of a child’s development. Invest in one that can adapt as your baby grows from an infant to a toddler. A good carrier will not only make carrying comfortable but also allow you to maintain a close connection with your child.

4. Wear Comfortable Clothing

Wearing the right attire is crucial when it comes to carrying your baby pain-free. Clothes that are too tight can restrict movement and even alter the distribution of your baby’s weight, leading to discomfort. Opt for garments made from soft, stretchy fabrics that allow you to move freely.

Choosing breathable materials also helps you and your baby stay cool, especially during longer carrying times or in warmer climates. Loose-fitting tops and bottoms will enable the carrier to sit snugly against your body without any added pressure from constricting clothing layers. 

5. Practice Proper Lifting Techniques

Proper lifting techniques are essential for pain-free baby carrying, as they prevent strain on your back and other muscles. Remember to squat down by bending at the knees rather than at your waist when you pick up your baby. Keep your back straight and use your legs to power the lift.

In addition, ensure that you hold your baby close to your chest before lifting. This provides better stability and reduces the likelihood of stress on any single part of your body. Repeatedly practicing these techniques ingrains safe habits, making them second nature.

In Conclusion…

Embrace the joyous journey of carrying your baby with ease and comfort by utilizing these helpful tips. Remember, each step taken to ensure proper technique and support is a stride toward nurturing your little one without the setback of physical pain. 

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How to Put Together a Beautiful Mother’s Day Celebration (Without Spending a Fortune) 


Mother’s Day is that special time of the year when we pause to appreciate the incredible women who have nurtured and guided us through life. It’s a day filled with love, gratitude, and plenty of pampering—except, often, it comes with the pressure to spend big on lavish gifts and experiences.

But here’s a little secret: you don’t need to shell out loads of cash to show Mom just how much she means to you. With some creativity and thoughtful planning, crafting an unforgettable Mother’s Day celebration that focuses on heartfelt gestures rather than hefty price tags is possible. 

Handmade Gifts

Handmade gifts offer one of the perfect ways to show Mom some love without spending big. For example, you can consider making a DIY spa kit to help your mom enjoy sugar scrubs and soothing bath soaks with stuff you probably already have lying around the house.

Also, you can get artsy and craft something special, like a custom photo frame sprinkled with inside jokes or fond memories. 

On top of that, penning down what makes your mom awesome in a letter can take the experience to a whole new level. It’s all about that personal touch that says, “You’re the best, Mom,” without even whispering the word “store-bought. 

Start the Day With an eCard for Mom

Sending an eCard is another stellar way to kick off Mother’s Day on a high but simple note. We’re talking about choosing from tons of charming, funny, or heartfelt eCards for Mother’s Day available online.

These digital greetings can set the mood for the day and let your mom know she’s in for a bunch of surprises. The cool part? You can find an eCard that vibes perfectly with her personality or interests – whether she’s all about humor, loves a good quote, or gets teary-eyed at anything sentimental. 

Brunch at Home

Whipping up a brunch at home hits just the right note for Mother’s Day. It’s all about bringing together tasty dishes that feel a bit special without needing to splash out at fancy spots.

Imagine starting off with those heart-shaped pancakes, maybe drizzle them with some syrup and fresh fruits – whatever gets a smile on her face. And hey, tossing in your rendition of scrambled eggs peppered with freshly snatched herbs from the garden adds that chef’s kiss of effort and love. 

Setting up at home means you can jazz up the place to be as cozy or themed as you like (think: mini indoor picnic or garden terrace vibes). Plus, it allows everyone to pitch in, making Mom feel like royalty without leaving her kingdom. 

Fun Activities to Connect

Digging into activities that mesh well with your mom’s interests is a surefire way to infuse Mother’s Day with laughter and memorable moments. However, be sure to pick activities that help you reconnect over shared joys, making new memories in the process. 

It could be diving back into hobbies she set aside, like painting, or even starting a mini garden project together. How about setting up an impromptu home cinema and binge-watching her all-time favorite movies or series? Or, if she’s more adventurous, embark on a virtual tour of museums or places she’s always wanted to visit right from the living room couch. 

Cost-Effective Decor

Sprucing up the place for Mother’s Day doesn’t mean you have to splash out on fancy decorations. With a bit of creativity, you can transform your space using items that are either already at home or just a nature walk away.

How about those paper flowers we talked about? They can add pops of color and whimsy without wilting or breaking the bank. Stringing up some fairy lights (yes, those Christmas ones hidden in your closet) can instantly create a cozy, magical vibe.

Don’t overlook the power of natural elements, either. A handful of wildflowers in a mason jar or stones and leaves artfully placed around candles can bring an elegant yet earthy feel to your decor. The goal is to create an atmosphere that feels special and inviting – proof that thoughtfulness doesn’t need a hefty price tag. 

The Gift of Time

Sometimes, the most profound shows of affection come in the simplest forms – like giving the gift of your time. In a world that’s constantly rushing by, dedicating your day to being wholly present for Mom can mean more than any tangible gift.

Offer to tackle those lingering tasks around the house she’s been wanting to get done or propose a leisurely walk in her favorite park; these acts underscore your appreciation beyond words. Remember, even sitting together with cups of tea and reminiscing over past adventures or dreaming up future ones holds its unique charm.

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Tips for Shopping with Babies and Toddlers


Shopping was always more complicated with kids. I remember shopping with the kids when they were really little, and juggling a newborn and a toddler were some really tough times.  I have learned some tips from over 10 years of taking my kids to the store, so here goes!

Park near a cart corral

I always put my cart away, and that does not bode well with kids when the corral isn’t nearby.  If you park next to or at least very close to the cart corral, you can get the kids in the car, get the groceries in the car, and be able to put the cart away quickly without worrying about the kids.

Utilize the cart (and use it properly!)

While there are always folks who say the kids should walk – well, too bad.  With two kids, my general rule was to have at least one in the cart.  Two kids loose in the store is much harder than one.  Divide and conquer!

With infants, I always put the infant carseat IN the shopping cart.  Sometimes that made space an issue, but I never once worried about that infant carrier falling.  You can be creative – for instance at Target, I put a shopping basket underneath the cart to make for useable space.  Or, some carts have hooks on them for hanging grocery bags. Always read the instructions and secure your carseat in the cart – I never trusted putting the carseat on the top.

You can also use an infant carrier to hold your baby on your person, which is convenient and safe.

We also got a cart cover for when the kids were toddlers, and it was great.  Comfy, and no germs! You can simply pop it in the wash any time, and it is a great barrier between your child and a germy cart.

Be prepared

With babies and toddlers, this means a diaper bag of essentials, and possibly things like snacks and hand wipes.  When my kids were newborns, this meant using a breast pump right before leaving and having a bottle ready.  Those days were tough – we had about 3 hours between naps and breast pumping and the kids reaching their limits!

Also make sure to bring reusable shopping bags. They are much more durable and usually more spacious than paper bags, and it will make life easier.

Make good habits

While I do reward my kids for good behavior, they do not get a treat every time we go to the grocery store.  They can’t beg for candy in the checkout lane.  The iPad shouldn’t be a crutch for keeping the kids occupied and behaving well.  So keep in mind that habits are being formed if you are bribing your kids to be good at the store.

Curbside Pickup or Shop Online

I don’t know where this was when I had my first baby, but I would have used this all the time when I had a newborn!  Lots of stores are offering the option to shop and order your groceries from home, and all you have to do is swing by the store and your items will be ready.

Another option is to order items online. You can find many non-perishable items online, and it is far more convenient to get those delivered. I switched over to using Amazon Subscribe & Save for things like toilet paper, dishwasher detergent, pet food, and tissues. This way, we never run out, and I don’t have to lug big or heavy packages home from the store.

Don’t Overdo It

Lastly, I have a 3-store or 3-errand rule with the kids.  Whether it is the grocery store, bank, post office, etc., I find that after about 3 stores, we all start feeling a little frazzled.  I try to prioritize my errands so I can get the most important things done if I end up bailing on other chores.  For example, if you absolutely need an item from the grocery store, or you absolutely need to mail something out at the post office, do that errand first.

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Embrace The New Normal: Tips For Feeling Your Best During Motherhood


Motherhood is a journey of emotions, filled with moments of pure joy and exhaustion that can leave you wondering, “Where did the old me go?” Amidst the joy of cuddles and celebrating milestones, it’s common to feel lost in the busy world of caring for your baby.

But here’s the truth: you can embrace motherhood and still feel like your radiant, confident self. Remember, a happy and healthy you leads to a happy and healthy baby. 

This guide offers practical tips to guide you through the new normal of motherhood while taking care of yourself. So, let’s dive into details to feel and look your best throughout this beautiful yet challenging journey. 

Rediscover Your Interests

Do you remember the things that used to make you happy before you were busy with baby stuff? It’s time to reconnect with those pastimes. Whether it’s painting, hiking, reading, or yoga, spending just a little time each week doing what you love can really make you feel better. 

For this, you do not need a lot of time; even just a few minutes can help. It’s important to stay connected to the things you enjoy so you can still feel like yourself. So, take some time to rediscover your interests and feel happier and more fulfilled.

Get A Fresh Look

In the middle of the physical changes brought by motherhood, it’s natural to crave your pre-baby body. This is where mommy makeover comes into play, reclaiming your body confidence. A mommy makeover typically includes procedures like tummy tucks, breast augmentation, or liposuction tailored to address your unique needs.

Finding the perfect surgeon for the makeover is also vital to the procedures themselves. You need to choose a surgeon who is an expert in the respective field. For instance, individuals who got a mommy makeover by Dr. Jindal showed positive outcomes. Some patients who received treatment from a professional reported that the doctor prioritized personalized care to ensure a seamless recovery and desirable outcomes. 

However, for successful healing, you’ll need to avoid power exercise for a longer period – likely for a few weeks.

Nutrition and Exercise

Taking care of your body is really important for feeling good about yourself. 

 A balanced diet and regular exercise can work wonders for your mental and physical health. 

You don’t have to make big changes all at once; even simple changes, like eating more fruits and vegetables and going for walks with your baby, can help a lot. Remember, it’s not about perfection but about making healthier choices that fit into your new lifestyle.

So, try to make little changes that fit into your new life, and you will start feeling better soon. By focusing on making healthier choices that align with your new responsibilities as a parent, you can gradually improve your health and well-being.

Prioritize Rest

Getting enough sleep is important, even if it is in small chunks. It helps you feel good and stay healthy. Instead of using your baby’s naptime to do duties, try to take a nap yourself sometimes. 

Even short naps can help reduce stress and improve overall mood and alertness. It can help you feel less stressed and more awake and happy. So, try to make time for rest whenever you can

Move Your Body 

Exercise might seem like the last thing you have time for, but even small bursts of physical activity can make a big difference. You don’t have to do a big workout – even just going for a walk with your stroller or doing some yoga with your baby can help. 

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, hormones that make you feel happy and less stressed. Exercises like walking, Mommy-and-me classes, or yoga can help a lot. You should find ways to move your body every day, even if it is just for a little bit. 

Celebrate the Small Victories

In the adventure of being a mom, there are many moments to celebrate – both big and small. You don’t have to wait for major milestones like your baby’s first steps or first words to feel proud. Instead, take joy in the little victories along the way. Remember, each small accomplishment is worth celebrating.

By acknowledging small wins, you can keep your spirits high and remind yourself that you’re doing a great job as a parent. So, don’t forget to take a moment to appreciate and celebrate the small victories – they’re what make the journey so special.

The Final Thoughts

Motherhood is a remarkable journey filled with highs and lows. While it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of this new role, taking care of yourself is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. Remember, feeling your best is crucial for physical well-being. Also, in this way, you can embrace your new normal with confidence, grace, and a sense of personal fulfillment.

The post Embrace The New Normal: Tips For Feeling Your Best During Motherhood appeared first on A Nation of Moms.

6 Ways to How to Rediscover Yourself After Motherhood


Becoming a mother is a transformational journey that shifts priorities, changes bodies, and often alters how we see ourselves. It’s easy to feel like you’ve lost a piece of your identity along the way. But what if you could reinvent yourself, rediscovering the woman you are beyond your role as a mother? This guide is your roadmap to self-reinvention, offering practical steps to help you find your spark again.

Embrace a New Mindset

The first step in reinventing yourself is changing your mindset. It’s about seeing yourself as a complete person, not just a caregiver. You should start by setting aside time each day to focus on your needs and desires. Whether it’s reading a book, practicing meditation, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee in silence, prioritizing yourself is crucial. This mental shift paves the way for bigger changes, reminding you that your dreams and aspirations matter.

Experiment with Your Style

A fun and often transformative way to reinvent yourself is through your appearance. Updating your wardrobe with pieces that reflect who you are now or who you aspire to be can boost your confidence and help you see yourself in a new light. Don’t be afraid to experiment with styles or looks you’ve always wanted to try. If you’re feeling adventurous, consider changing your hairstyle or adding hair extensions to instantly switch up your look. Remember, fashion and beauty are about expressing yourself, so have fun with it!

Dive into New Interests or Hobbies

Rediscovering or finding new hobbies can be incredibly fulfilling and is a key step in reinventing yourself. Whether it’s something you’ve always wanted to do or an interest you’ve previously set aside, now is the time to explore. From painting and writing to hiking or learning a musical instrument, engaging in activities that excite you can help you reconnect with yourself. Hobbies are a great way to spend your free time and a powerful tool for self-expression and finding communities of like-minded individuals.

Exploring Cosmetic Enhancements

In the journey of self-reinvention, some may consider cosmetic enhancements as a way to align their outer appearance with how they feel on the inside. It’s important to approach this path carefully, researching the procedures that interest you and understanding the benefits and risks. Whether you’re contemplating a skincare treatment to revitalize your complexion or considering more significant procedures, the key is to find a surgeon you trust at a Salt Lake City med spa, a Houston hospital, or wherever is close to you. This trust ensures you receive professional advice tailored to your needs, which helps you make informed decisions that enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence.

Prioritizing Physical Health

A vital aspect of reinventing yourself involves prioritizing your physical health. This can mean setting fitness goals, adopting a nutritious diet, or simply integrating more physical activity into your daily routine. Exercise improves your physical well-being and profoundly impacts your mental health, providing a sense of accomplishment and a rush of endorphins. Start small, perhaps with a daily walk or a yoga session, and gradually incorporate more activities as your fitness improves. Remember, the goal is to celebrate what your body can do and treat it with the care and respect it deserves.

Cultivating New Relationships and Strengthening Existing Ones

As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and change, it’s crucial to surround yourself with a supportive community. Cultivating new relationships and strengthening existing ones can provide emotional support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. Join groups or clubs that align with your interests, or volunteer in your community to meet people with similar values. Additionally, nurturing the relationships you already have builds a strong network of support, enriching your reinvention journey with love and shared experiences.

Reinventing yourself, especially after becoming a mother, is a journey filled with self-exploration, growth, and change. It’s about rediscovering who you are and who you want to be, embracing both your inner and outer beauty, and living your life to its fullest potential. You can embark on this transformative path by changing your mindset, experimenting with your style, diving into new interests, considering cosmetic enhancements judiciously, prioritizing your health, and nurturing relationships. Remember, the essence of reinvention lies in the continuous pursuit of happiness and fulfillment, celebrating every step of your journey with confidence and grace.

The post 6 Ways to How to Rediscover Yourself After Motherhood appeared first on A Nation of Moms.

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